viernes 24, enero, 2025



BCA and ALD-LeasePlan sign European remarketing macro-agreement

Share & Fleet

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La redacción de Fleet People trabaja para ofrecer a los lectores una información de calidad y actualizada sobre el sector de las flotas y el renting. El equipo está comprometido con la excelencia periodística, y se esfuerza por ofrecer un contenido útil y atractivo para los lectores, ser un referente informativo para los profesionales del sector y contribuir al desarrollo del mismo. La redacción de Fleet People está liderada por Juan Arús, director de la revista y del medio digital. Arús es un periodista con 25 años de experiencia en el sector de la automoción.

The multinational BCA, the first continental used vehicle remarketing marketplace with 1.5 million units transferred annually, has announced a macro remarketing agreement with global leasing and mobility giant ALD Automotive-LeasePlan that will include seven European markets, including Spain.

The agreement between the two groups will enable BCA to provide ALD-LeasePlan with both fleet retirement and remarketing services for a portion of the new operating lease group’s cars whose contracts have been terminated.

In addition to the Spanish market, the agreement is valid for Germany, France, Italy, Norway, the Netherlands and Portugal. The two companies have expressed the possibility of extending their collaboration to more countries in the future.

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With this agreement, ALD-LeasePlan expands its existing channel for second-hand vehicles in Europe through ALD Carmarket to an additional channel.

«This partnership offers specific purchasing power for ALD Automotive-LeasePlan’s leasing stock and provides BCA’s professional customers with a wide range of high-quality vehicles,» said Jean-Roch Piat, CEO of BCA Europe.

Guillaume de Léobardy, Head of Remarketing at ALD-LeasePlan, said: «We are delighted to partner with BCA to further diversify our remarketing operations and maximise the availability of our leased vehicles in the European market.

It should be remembered that BCA, of British origin and focused on professional B2B sales, belongs to the Constellation group, which also controls the websites WeBuyAnyCar (valuation and sales from user to professional (C2B)) and Cinch (sales to private customer (B2C)), as well as managing, from the end of 2021, the specialist in second-hand transactions CarNext, which belonged to LeasePlan.

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In turn, the parent company of the Constellation group is the investment fund TDR Capital, which manages an investment portfolio of more than €12 billion across five main products and was, precisely, the leader of the pool of funds that sold LeasePlan to ALD Automotive last year.

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